Blog 001 // We Are All Facilitators

Facilitators are people who create connection, guide others, and help make tough things easier. So let’s lead with the punchline:

We are all facilitators.

Some of us may claim this word as our professional title, but the title belongs to us all.

If you’re someone who orchestrates projects, leads groups, brings people together, or serves others in any way as you carry out your personal and professional life, I say you are a facilitator. I say this podcast is for you.

I became a facilitator because I love creating environments where people are encouraged to feel a deeper sense of connection to themselves, others, and the world around them. The more I facilitate, the more I see the core of my work reflected through the work of others.

The team of caretakers who feed and clothe my grandmother, the cashier at the grocery store, the activist with the megaphone, the teacher at the front of the classroom, the manager working behind the scenes - they are all conducting invisible symphonies. They are all facilitating.

We are all facilitating.

What are you facilitating? What do you want to be facilitating?

Each episode of Facilitator Forum is an opportunity to quietly ask yourself this question as you listen to and learn from the stories and experiences of others. Some of the folks we’ll meet on this show will already think of themselves as facilitators, and some may not. I aim to feature a diverse variety of guests across contexts so we can explore a compelling range of perspectives on this topic. I hope you'll be inspired and activated by the conversations we'll be having here.

We all have the power to be of service to others by owning our role as facilitators.


Blog 002 // Choosing Play Over Shame